So we're going to have a think about how to get ridof a cold fast. But what is a cold? Basically, it's aviral infection of the upper airways and nasaltracts, and it can have several symptoms which canmake us feel pretty miserable. These can include astuffed nose, a cough, a headache, sneezing, and itcan make us feel pretty horrible for a couple of days.
The worst thing about a cold is that it has to run its course, and there's no way of reallyspeeding that up. A cold will last for about three to four days. Antibiotics aren't of any helpbecause they only treat bacterial infections and colds are caused by multiple types of viruses.
Often, we can just get over a cold when another virus infects us and we canget further symptoms because of that. However there are a few things we cando to really improve the symptoms and make us feel much better. First of all,the stuffy nose and nasal congestion, what we can do is make sure we keepour head elevated, and also drink plenty of fluids.
That will make us feel much better; it will thin the mucous discharge, and also will help theinflammation of the mucosal lining of the nose. Another thing we can do is make sure we takeregular painkillers, for example, Paracetamol, and that will help with our headache and generalfeeling of muscle ache and being under the weather. Something else that's really important todo is not spread the cold around so make sure you cover your mouth and your nose.
If you are sneezing, sneeze in to a hanky, and make sure you wash your hands, especiallybefore you shake hands or come in to contact with anyone else. Because colds are reallyinfectious it's important that you use your own flannels and towels for a couple of days whenyou're infected. Something else which can really help to clear the sinuses and airways is a steambath.
So if you make up some warm water, put a little bit of salt in there, and just inhale the vapors,that will help clear the membranes and clear the mucous that can stuff up our nose as well.There are lots of herbal remedies for colds, but none of them have been put to rigorousscientific studies yet but there is a suggestion that the use of Echinacea can really help make usfeel much better and ease our symptoms when we've got a nasty, heavy head cold. In terms oftrying to prevent a cold,one tip I'd really go for is regular exercise, because it has been shownthat people who take regular exercise, twenty to thirty minutes a day, can really improve theirchances of staying fit during the winter months and avoiding a cold altogether.